Portal Designer Proposes a Quantum Conundrum at PAX | GameLife | Wired.com
Portal Designer Proposes a Quantum Conundrum at PAX | GameLife | Wired.com: "Kim Swift, one of the designers of the groundbreaking Portal, is at Penny Arcade Expo to show that she’s not out of clever game ideas.
On Saturday evening, Swift and her team at Airtight Games will host a PAX panel and give fans the first glimpse at Quantum Conundrum, a first-person, physics-based puzzle game coming next year for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC. Fans of Portal will find the downloadable game to be comfortingly familiar, from the quirky sense of humor to the clever puzzle design."
See Wired GameLife for the full article.
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On Saturday evening, Swift and her team at Airtight Games will host a PAX panel and give fans the first glimpse at Quantum Conundrum, a first-person, physics-based puzzle game coming next year for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC. Fans of Portal will find the downloadable game to be comfortingly familiar, from the quirky sense of humor to the clever puzzle design."
See Wired GameLife for the full article.
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