Hands-On: Defeat Your Enemies From the Inside in Warp | GameLife | Wired.com
Hands-On: Defeat Your Enemies From the Inside in Warp | GameLife | Wired.com: "Why blow people up from the outside, when doing it from the inside makes way more of a mess?
That’s the philosophy of the little bundle of joy you play as in Warp, a downloadable game for Xbox 360, PS3 and PC coming from Electronic Arts this winter and on display at Penny Arcade Expo this weekend in Seattle. He’s an alien who’s been kidnapped by a group of scientists, and he decides that he’s not going to be experimented upon. Instead, he sets out to gain back the powers that they stole from him, which first and foremost include his ability to warp."
See the Wired GameLife for the full article.
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That’s the philosophy of the little bundle of joy you play as in Warp, a downloadable game for Xbox 360, PS3 and PC coming from Electronic Arts this winter and on display at Penny Arcade Expo this weekend in Seattle. He’s an alien who’s been kidnapped by a group of scientists, and he decides that he’s not going to be experimented upon. Instead, he sets out to gain back the powers that they stole from him, which first and foremost include his ability to warp."
See the Wired GameLife for the full article.
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